I am finally at the point where I no longer believe most of our politicians listen to the country. Our country is so divided and lacking true leadership that I almost want to move. The message boards make my blood boil just listening people state the party line and go along with whatever they are told. In case you are wondering, I am getting infuriated with the "slam thousand page bills down our throats until it comes out our rear ends before we can read it" policies of Congress and a president who thinks this is called getting it done. This might be by design since this will cause carbon emissions with a tax to go along with it.
If the Cap and Trade bill eventually passes and gets signed into law, there are provisions in it that state I have to ensure my house meets certain energy efficiencies before I can sell it. The energy efficiencies are based on the California housing codes. I do not live in California for a reason. This is a direct intrusion on the sovereign rights of the States. Second, the EPA and hundred other agencies being granted power by this bill do not answer to the voters. I guess we will have a hundred blends of gasoline to go with it now.
We are a diverse country. I like diversity because it can help us draw upon the best ideas. However, diversity fails when it is mandated by the government. It splits us into political pawns with each side determining which group is going to garner them the most votes. We are being used for our votes so they can retain power.
Real tax payers are close to becoming a minority meaning those who actually have a net Federal tax liability. I paid close to $40,000 in taxes last year. I am not even close to rich, yet our government thinks I should be able to pay more into the system so they can help those who do not contribute. The real tax payers need to give an economics lesson to anyone who says the government needs to provide a public option for free health care. It is not free. People like me will be asked to pay more to pick their tab.
The voters and true tax payers need to wake up in the United States. We were founded on the principles of a true republic, a republic that is supposed to stand for legislation by representation. President Obama's victory only garnered 52% of the vote meaning there is 48% of the population who disagree with the "change." We have become a country obsessed with legislating all facets of our life.
Our freedoms are being eroded away at enormous rates in the name of fixing problems or being sensitive to every issue. Reagan had it right when he said "government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem." It is time to throw everyone in Congress out. I do not care who it is. If they are an incumbent in the next election, they need to go home and rethink how they have treated our country, its citizens, and the Constitution. We need a new Congress full of freshmen who represent the people and uphold our basic rights. The power needs to be given back to the states and local communities. The Federal government needs to go back being a place to settle intrastate issues, protecting our boarders and national security, keeping up with foreign relations, and maintaining the value of our currency.
The local communities and state governments are better suited to handle issues. They know the problems and issues facing us. If I wanted to contribute as a tax payer to the unemployed in Michigan, I would move there. I picked the community that best fit my lifestyle and beliefs. If the Federal government keeps up with the current pace, we will all be living under one set of regulations with no escape.
My mantra for 2010 is "Throw the bums out!" Who is with me?
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5 years ago
ReplyDeleteAll points are taken and very good post.
You always do your research and that's great.
I have held that belief (throw the bums out) for the last 12 years or so since Clinton ran for re-election in 1996.
Believe it or not, I actually am independent when it comes to voter registration.
I used to be a Democratic voter, BUT registered as a Republican last year during the primary so I could vote for Ron Paul in the Illinois primary. After all, it was a forgone conclusion that Barack Obama would carry Illinois.
There simply are too many lobbyists in control of the way our legislators vote on the bills.
It's a fact for most politicians.
But I am with you that we need to reform things... it may be too late. But I would like to remain optimistic for the future of the United States as well as the rest of the world.
One other thing, I don't know about you, but Twitter actually helps with people and their political thoughts. That is why I put it on my blogsite with updates.
Meghan McCain is a hoot. So is Joe Biden and Ed Schultz. Karl Rove and me follow each other too.
Check it out if you haven't already done so. I have "lots more" followers there than my own site.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks Jim. I think we have found our common ground with Ron Paul. Check out the comment I left on your blog regarding the questions. I set up a Twitter account but have not used it yet. I will give it a try. You impress me with the following of Karl Rove.