Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pro Responsibility

The news today is all about the Notre Dame graduation and President Obama. Why must a special day for graduates be turned into a political debate of Pro Choice, Pro Life, Pro Abortion, Pro Children, or whatever other Pro options are out there? This is a time to honor the accomplishments of students over the past few years of their lives. This is not a time to debate the morality of abortion.

I consider myself Pro Anti Being Pro. This is not a civil debate. Have you ever seen the Pro Choice and Pro Life crowds show up for a protest and talk about their differences? All I have ever seen are two groups separated from each by police as they yell at each other. Since when did this ever accomplish anything?

Ultimately, the issue boils down to when is a child considered a viable human being who has rights. I see one side of the argument as you want the right to do whatever you want with your body, but you do not want an unborn child to have the right to live. The other side of the coin are people who made a mistake and would rather terminate an unborn life rather than bringing a child into the world without the structure for a proper family foundation.

The abortion argument has many sides to it. Yet, we fail to debate the root of the issue and choose to express our right to argue over it. I think the most amazing thing is Jane Roe is now Pro Life. The person who gave the Pro Choice group their legal founding does not even believe in their philosophy anymore.

I have not taken a stance on the issue. If I had to chose today, I think I would chose Pro Responsibility. I take full responsibility for all of my actions. I should have to live with my mistakes and learn to live with them. Others might disagree, but there is not much of an argument for being Pro Irresponsible.


  1. I agree - pro responsible. However, aren't we in the wrong country for that? Sue-happy America doesn't seem to produce much in the realm of responsibility. And fostering responsibility doesn't appear to be the government's stance. Another blog I suppose...

  2. Guess what, Sunday passed as President Obama gave his commencement speech at Notre Dame, and the last time I checked, the earth was still rotating on its normal axis. Lighten up people!

  3. LOL. Yes, we made it another day. I wonder waht will be on the news today.
